The gaming world is gushing over the PlayStation 4. But even in these days of new developments, we can’t possibly forget our faithful companion for years, the PlayStation 3. Many years of our lives have been shrouded by the aura that had been cast by the PS3.
The games on the PS3 were different worlds to many of us gamers. Here we will be taking a look at the six games that managed to rise above the others in the competition and prove to be stunning, visually. The winner is probably Uncharted 3 but, very well, I will leave the judging to you. Check out the list.
1. God of War 3
Claimed by PSM3 Magazine as the “simply one of the best games of all time”, God of War III was a commercial and critical success. The graphics of the game were stunning, particularly, the character of Kratos. IGN was also all praises for the game calling the character of Kratos “perhaps the single most impressive-looking character ever in video games”.
The way that Kratos is shown cinematically in the game is simply wow. Definitely one of the best looking games on the PS3.
2. Killzone 3
The fourth installment in the Killzone series, Killzone 3 was the first in the series to employ stereoscopic 3D. The 3D mode is optional and requires a 3D ready TV. A bit cumbersome but the use of 3D along with the Move controller simply proved to be astounding to view.
If the game is compared to its previous installment, Killzone 2, a sacrifice is seen of some high quality effects, extreme motion blur, lighting and player count from Killzone 2 to make room for more eye pleasing draw distance, sharper image, less nauseating and less motion blur in Killzone 3.
With great graphics aiding the gameplay, definitely a good looking game on the PS3.
3. Gran Turismo 5
Gran Turismo 5 is the first game of the Gran Turismo series to be developed for the PS3. It was the second most expensive game to be developed in gaming history and as such, no expense was spared in the visual department.
The lighting effects of the game were praised by critics as well as the interior and exterior details of premium cars. The Photo Mode also showed of the graphics of the game very well. Visually, definitely a game to try-out.
4. Heavy Rain
Developed by French developer Quantic Dreams, Heavy Rain is an interactive drama action-adventure video game. Using the PhysX engine, the game was a treat to watch and play right from the beginning. The graphical user interface used is one of the best ever seen.
The atmosphere is incredible – full of driving rain (which becomes central to the plot), fizzing neon lights, dank apartments and warehouses. The soundtrack contributes to the overall feel of the game and enhances the visual essence. Definitely a must-have game for the fans of visual effects.
5. Uncharted 3
With colossal graphical improvements from its predecessors, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception pushes the limits of the PS3. Touted by many as one of the best looking games on the PS3 ever, Uncharted 3 in all probability can be the best looking game on the PS3 ever.
The engine that has been used in the game by Naughty Dog is the ‘evolved’ version of the engine that was used in the previous two installments of the series. The game has better physics, visuals and environmental effects as a result.
It was revolutionary what was done in terms of graphics when the game was released. Definitely a must-have and my favorite.
6. The Last of Us
Declared as a ‘masterpiece’ by many, The Last of Us is the best selling game of 2013 so far. The use of lighting, post-processing and environmental effects are all more fleshed out than previous titles from Naughty Dog and the locations featured are beautifully rendered, rich in detail but at the same time they are also harsh, foreboding places, ravaged by chaos, with nature in the process of reclaiming urban environments.
It is interesting to note how in The Last of Us, Naughty Dog has adapted the technology to create a vastly different world while still retaining their trademark art style and keen eye for detail. One of the best looking games ever and definitely one of the best looking on the PS3.
This is our choice of the best looking games on the PlayStation 3. Feel free to give your opinion in the comments below if you think we have missed something or if you agree with our choices. We eagerly wait to hear from you.