Battlefield 2042 Reveals Specialists, Grappling Hooks, Executions And More

Battlefield 2042 Specialists are at the heart of EA’s latest entry in the series, and a recent gameplay showcased exactly why.

Battlefield 2042 is just over a month away, and EA are steadily revealing more snippets of what’s to come. With a beta arriving this month, we have yet to see any unedited gameplay segments of gameplay. That is besides the gameplay that leaked from the closed tech test last month.

However, specialists MacKay, Falck, Guskovsky and Van Daele are spicing up the battlefield with their unique skills.

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Battlefield 2042 is still set to include the hallmarks of the series, but amplified. We know destruction will play a big part in how the maps change across each map. However, specialists are key to Battlefield’s new approach to class systems. While players will be able to switch weapons between any class, specialists are preset abilities.

One of those abilities is MacKay’s Grapple Hook, which we got a glimpse of in the gameplay reveal reveal trailer. This will allow MacKay to quickly get to high-ground. MacKay will also feature increased agility when aiming down sights or using ziplines. This makes MacKay the perfect run-and-gun specialists.

Credit: EA/DICE

In MacKay’s portion of the gameplay trailer, players got their first look at executions which will return to the game. However, this time, executions will play out in third-person, much like how they do in Halo or Warzone.

What’s Up Doc?

Falck is a medic, and features the S21 Syrette Gun, which is very similar to the one used by Doc in Rainbow Six Siege. It will allow Falck to boosts teammates health from afar, and can even be used on yourself. You will also be able to revive downed teammates back to full health. It’s unclear if revives are reserved purely to medic type specialists like Falck, or all players can like in Battlefield V. I think the “full health” portion of her ability indicates all players will be able to revive teammates.

Credit: EA/DICE

Guskovsky will deploy the SG-36 Sentry System which will detect and engage enemies. Simply standing near the turret will boost its efficiency. And lastly Van Daele not only comes with his own OV-P Recon Drone, but a movement sensor trait, similar to High Alert in Call of Duty.

It’s nice to see Battlefield 2042 Specialists in action, despite the trailer still only being a small snippet. With the likes of Irish and his recent reveal, it looks as if there will be plenty of variety in 2042’s specialists. Hopefully, with the beta set to launch within this month, we will get some hands-on very soon.

Which specialists do you think you’ll be playing? Let us know over on our social channels!

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Featured Image Credit: EA/ DICE