Gen Z Is More Likely To Know Who Sonic and Kirby Are Than Shakespeare

A survey by Century Link has shown Gen Z is more likely to recognise video game characters than William Shakespeare. The survey took answers from 1,800 people, and recorded the results for all to see. And apparently Gen Z knows more about video games than old playwrights. Surprising? Perhaps not. Naturally, since Gen Z falls … Read more

A Travel Blogger Has Revealed Just How Realistic Battlefield 5’s Map Is

Zoe and Lennart, travel bloggers from renowned blog site TogetherInTransit might spend their days travelling the world, but what you might not expect from them is a detailed comparison of Battlefield 5‘s Rotterdam to its real-life counterpart. That’s just what they’ve done though, and Zoe has revealed just how damn realistic the Battlefield 5 is, … Read more

Documents Regarding Past Of Florida Video Games Shooter Released

Court records involving the suspect involved in the shooting at a Florida video game tournament, David Katz, have been revealed. The records in his home state of Maryland were reviewed by The Associated Press, and give a dark insight into his life. According to the Telegraph, Katz suffered from serious mental health problems leading up to the shooting … Read more

Top Things gamers are tired of hearing

Since most of us have been gaming for many years, it’s very easy to compile a list of things that we’ve heard over and over again in regards to our choice of extracurricular activities. Whether it’s about wanting us to get out of the house more, assuming that games are a waste of time, or it … Read more

PlayStation Now Beta Hits PS Vita & PS TV

Sony is starting the open beta for their video game streaming service known as PlayStation Now to the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation TV later this month. Starting on October 14, 2014 the open beta for PlayStation Now for PlayStation Vita and PlayStation TV. Also coming this October 14, 2014 is the release for PS TV … Read more

List of Playable Games Revealed For EB Expo 2014

EB Games has released a list of the playable video games that will be present at the annual EB Expo held at Sydney Showground. The event kicks off this Friday October 3, 2014 and will last throughout the weekend. Open to the public, if you can attend there will be several booths to try out … Read more

RetroLiberty Aaron Stapish Interview

Video games have come a long, long way. From small little pixels in a defined space to massive beautiful worlds to explore. While we may eagerly await to pick up the latest video games and consoles, it’s important to look back and check out the incredible video games from the past. One YouTube channel that … Read more