Player Spent 6 Years Playing Dark Souls to Wear This Rare Helmet

How far would you go to get a helmet in a game? For years, there’s been this weird obsession brewing just below the surface for some Dark Souls players, centered around Dragon Slayer Ornstein, and his helmet’s lack of a plume. In the first game, Ornstein had no plume, but one player in particular was hopeful that … Read more

Great Games That Start Out Really Awful

10 Great Games That Start Out Really Awful

When it comes to trying out new games, the early stages can often make or break the experience. They can halt games entirely, seeming so tedious and laborious that players simply can’t go on. Equally, they can engage us in special ways, making us eager for more. Sometimes, the early stages aren’t all that reflective … Read more

Some Guy Made This Dark Souls III Rap And People Are Going Nuts Over It

Last week JT Machinima uploaded a Dark Souls III rap onto YouTube that they created, and it’s pretty epic. During the video there are clips from actual game play, along with cut scenes and dramatic sequences. The video is about six minutes long, so you know that this wasn’t something that was put together by scraping … Read more

8 Most Valuable Video Game Collector’s Editions

Beware the eBay scams for some of your favorite games! Many people shake their heads at collector’s editions of video games. Usually the prices are too high, and a lot of times the included items don’t justify the high costs. With that being said, these expensive bundles appeal to some gamers, and it only takes a … Read more

5 Games Dark Souls Fans Will Love

With Dark Souls 3 less than 2 weeks away, the time will soon be upon us to venture once more into a world designed to lead us astray, punish us for the smallest mistakes, and reward us for our skill and determination. For those of you who simply can’t wait any longer, or those of … Read more

8 Extremely Difficult Videogames That Will Destroy You

Games nowadays are made with an average level of difficulty, they aren’t too easy or too hard for casual gamers. The main idea of not making the games too tough is to give a scope to all the players to enjoy the whole of the game. On the contrary, there are some games which needs … Read more