Last week JT Machinima uploaded a Dark Souls III rap onto YouTube that they created, and it’s pretty epic.
During the video there are clips from actual game play, along with cut scenes and dramatic sequences. The video is about six minutes long, so you know that this wasn’t something that was put together by scraping the bottom of the barrel. The beat is catchy, the lyrics are well-placed, and the video genuinely keeps you interested.

The video has very little dislikes so far, especially considering how many views it has had. Most of the comments on the video also seem very positive.
“Oh my god the chorus is soo good!! ^_^” – DefiantDeer13th [CZ] (YouTube)
“The beat is sick” – SpaceKnight343 TM (YouTube)
“This…is…FUCKİNG AWESSOME” -serdar subaş (YouTube)
The YouTube channel also has various raps about other popular video games, such as Overwatch, Shadow of Mordor, and Quantum Break. They are all pretty good, to be honest.

Since there aren’t many songs in general about video games, it’s nice to have people create these types of videos for us. If people can rap about drugs, money, and sex, why not video games as well?
Check out the video below to see it for yourself. It’s sure to get stuck in your head after listening, but at least it’s a decent sounding song to have on repeat inside your brain.