Pornhub User Numbers See Huge Growth Thanks To Self-Isolation

More and more people are staying at home thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, and websites like Pornhub are seeing a huge difference in the number of people using their – um – services.

Pornhub’s stats wizards recently crunched the numbers to give us a full look at the website’s insights for the month of March, and there’s some VERY interesting findings.

Comparing February 2020’s traffic with March’s, Pornhub explains: “It became evident that as people were spending more time at home, either self-isolating or working at home, that traffic to Pornhub had risen. Worldwide traffic to Pornhub was up 11.6% on March 17th.”

Of course, there was also a whopping increase in the number of Italian users accessing Pornhub thanks to its offer of free Premium access to those in the country.

Credit: Pornhub

“The drastic increase of 57% on March 12 came after Pornhub offered free Premium service to all of Italy, an offer that was clearly well received by home-bound Italians,” said Pornhub.

Traffic from the United States (Pornhub’s largest market) was up 6.4% on March 17th, and 7.2% in Canada, following on from government recommendations of staying at home.

Credit: Pornhub/NicePNG

And of course, when any trending topic hits the news as hard as COVID-19, you’re bound to see a spike in searches in the world of porn.

Pornhub notes that yes, there has been a massive spike in people searching for the term “coronavirus.”

Delving deeper, the company explains: “When compared to the rest of the world, visitors from Slovakia are 119% more likely to search for Coronavirus on Pornhub. Searches are more than 80% more popular in Bulgaria, Ireland, Malaysia and Serbia.

Credit: Ndemic Creations

“In the United States, it’s visitors from Washington, D.C. who are the most likely to search for Coronavirus on Pornhub. In fact, D.C. visitors are proportionately 33% more likely to search. Visitors from New York are 24% more likely to search, 22% in Washington state and 18% more in West Virgina. Folks from North Dakota are the least likely to search by -43% when compared to the rest of the country.”

If you’re not a numbers person then PH has even created a handy infograph for you to take a look at.

Credit: Pornhub

For the full stats, check out Pornhub’s report right here.

Featured Image Credit: Pornhub/NicePNG