6 Videogame Boss Battles That Were Way Too Easy
What about those bosses that weren’t unbelievably hard? The ones that, far from testing your skills, actually let you down with how ridiculously easy they were?
What about those bosses that weren’t unbelievably hard? The ones that, far from testing your skills, actually let you down with how ridiculously easy they were?
As most of you are aware, The Witcher 3 is an immense and incredibly detailed game, with a massive open world map to explore. It was such a huge increase over the size of the previous game in the series that they had to introduce a way to travel across it effectively. This is where … Read more
Have you ever poured hours, days, sometimes even weeks into a game only to feel completely cheated by the ending? Sure, you enjoy the journey and all the build up, but a bad ending just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It’s like having a great meal but the dessert is disgusting. Every gamer … Read more
PlayStation Gang is doing a series of features. We’re going to go over the rarest and most valuable PlayStation video games. If you’re looking to add toward your collection or just looking to see if you have a rare gem in the video games you’ve picked up, this list may help you out. For now, … Read more
Sony has released a list of the best-selling video games on the PlayStation Network. The list contains not only PlayStation 4 video games but PlayStation 3, PS Vita, PSP, PS Mobile, Classics and lastly add-ons. Check out the list right now. PlayStation 4 Trials Fusion Octodad: Dadliest Catch Child of Light inFAMOUS Second … Read more