Rock Band Will Make A Return Says Harmonix

Do you recall the days of the big music genre push? Everyone tended to the latest releases in Rock Band and Guitar Hero. They were the perfect party video game after all. Though it’s been a long time since we’ve seen either title release and even longer since we’ve seen the plastic guitars and drums … Read more

Harmonix Partnered Borderlands: Pre-Sequel Trailer

E3 is coming up and what better way to celebrate with new trailers of the hottest upcoming video games? Today a new trailer of the upcoming Borderlands: Pre-Sequel and what is interesting is that Harmonix was partnered in creating this epic dance themed teaser. The latest trailer of the upcoming Borderlands: Pre-Sequel is focused around the Harmonix … Read more

Harmonix Rebooting Amplitude for PS4 & PS3

Harmonix is a development studio known best for releasing video games in the music genre. However, not too long ago it would seem that the bottom fell out in the genre as a whole but the development studios is looking to revive the genre. Today Amplitude was revealed to receive a reboot for the PlayStation … Read more

Harmonix Plans To Make Comeback With Rock Band

The past generation of video game consoles thrived with different video game genres. One of which was based around music with the help of Harmonix’s Rock Band and Dance Central. Although the bottom seemed to fell out from the music genre as a whole leaving Harmonix with a number of layoffs. Recently at PAX East, Harmonix held … Read more