Harmonix is a development studio known best for releasing video games in the music genre. However, not too long ago it would seem that the bottom fell out in the genre as a whole but the development studios is looking to revive the genre. Today Amplitude was revealed to receive a reboot for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.
The reboot is only possible if you, the gamers, are interested enough to donate. As of right now, Harmonix has set up shop at Kickstarter where they are asking for a goal amount of $775,000. Much like the original Amplitude for the PS2, the soundtrack will be created in-house though if pledges surpass the goal amount then the development team will work on licensing tracks.
Again, much like the original edition of the game, the reboot will give players a challenge as they progress. By maintaining 60fps, the game will give a more snappy feel with the musical timing. You can view the Kickstarter here.