GameStop is Hiring 25,000 For Holiday Season

In preparation for the busy holiday season, GameStop is hiring roughly 25,000 people across the country to help out in stores. GameStop said in a statement earlier today that bringing on the seasonal staff is all about providing “exceptional customer service.” Hiring will begin in the next few days and jobs can be found at the … Read more

GameStop Selling Used DLC?

You read that title correctly, GameStop is planning on selling used DLC for consoles. In an interview during GameStop EXPO, GameStop’s executive vice president, Mike Hogan spoke about the possibility of selling used DLC: “It would require a partnership between retailers and publishers, but absolutely, it could go that way,” Hogan said. “We’re absolutely interested … Read more

Fingerprint scans at Gamestop?

Fingerprints scan are now being required for certain transactions in some Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Gamestop stores. When customers trade in used games, the store keeps track of the customers fingerprints.  The reason for this process is to keep thieves from selling stolen goods. The Philadelphia Police Department says that the company is being proactive by storing the fingerprints … Read more

GameStop Surviving With Digital Content

GameStop, like most of the brick-and-mortar stores that revolves around video games, might have been in trouble if Sony and Microsoft ended the used video game game market with their latest consoles. However, with GameStop, the company is surviving and making a very nice profit not just because of used video games but digital content. … Read more

GameStop Offering $20 For MLB 14: The Show For PS3 to PS4 Upgrade

Major League Baseball fans who have the latest MLB 14: The Show on the PlayStation 3 can upgrade their copy for a PlayStation 4 version. It will take a few little requirements from GameStop but the upgrade cost would be just $20. There’s also some promotional events going on with GameStop as well that could … Read more

GameStop Increases Price of PS4 Camera to $69

Not only has the PlayStation 4 been selling out like hotcakes, but its companion the PlayStation 4 Camera is also becoming very hard to obtain ever since the launch. The camera is reported to be sold out on Amazon, online Sony store, and a couple other retailers. It seems that GameStop saw an opportunity to … Read more