Sony Reveals PlayStation Plus Titles For February

PlayStation Plus is a service that we highly recommend. Where else can you get up to 5 brand new video game titles each month for free, so long as you pay $50 a year. If you’re still without PlayStation Plus then you may have some incentive to pick it up this February. Today we’re finding out just what video game titles will be available upon the new February instant game collection. The titles up for grabs spans over three different consoles, the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and lastly the PlayStation Vita.

PlayStation 4

  • Outlast

PlayStation 3

  • Metro: Last Light
  • PayDay 2
  • Remember Me

PlayStation Vita

  • ModNation Racers: Road Trip
  • Street Fighter X Tekken

That’s a pretty good deal for $50 a year. Remember, each month will provide PlayStation Plus subscribers brand new titles free of charge. We’ll keep you posted as to what new titles will be coming out each month!