Sony’s future will not be forced like the Xbox One.
Gamers have been asking Sony not to use restrictive DRM game policies on Twitter, and Sony has partially come clean. Kotaku had originally asked:
1) Sony has previously said that the PS4 does not require an online connection. To be clear, is this true perpetually, or will the console need to occasionally connect online? If so, how often?
2) Will games need to be registered online in order to use them the first time out? 3) Will the PS4 games be able to be bought and sold used? Or will there be an online activation fee that essentially causes a used game to cost as much as a new game, thereby eliminating the relevance of used games? |
Recently, Yoshida had this to say, which points to question #2 above, but it still not really 100% clear, just the fact ‘publishers’ make the choices, not Sony in what the user can or can not do with his/her ‘game disc’:
“At a roundtable this morning, Sony’s game studios chief, Shuhei Yoshida, told reporters that any requirement for users to register a game online in order to play it would be left to game publishers. Sony won’t require that.” (Emphasis added.) Apologies for missing that during our attempts to clarify just how similar or dissimilar Sony’s next-gen policies are from Microsoft’s.” |