PlayStation’s Black Friday Sale Includes Some Of The Best Games Of 2018

Black Friday might not have hit yet, but pre-sales have already started at places like Amazon and the PlayStation Store.

Credit: Sony

Announcing some of its UK deals for this sort-of festive period, the PlayStation Store is currently selling some of the year’s best titles with a pretty hefty discount.

Credit: Marvel

If you’ve yet to play Marvel’s Spider-Man  you can download the base game for just £35, or get the game and its DLC for £45.

God of War is also down to £25, and – being one of my favourite games of 2018 – I highly recommend you snagging it up for that price.

Credit: Ubisoft

There’s also the likes of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey knocked down to £35, FIFA 19 for £34Detroit: Become Human for £25, and the latest addition to the Lara Croft franchise, Shadow of The Tomb Raider at just £28.

Other titles include Monster Hunter World for £20, and GTA V for £16.

If you’re still fond of your old PS3, now’s the time to try out a load of classic games for next-to-nothing. For the PS3, Tomb Raider is selling for £2.49, Uncharted 3 is £3.99, and the Hitman Trilogy HD is selling for £3.99.

And yes – Red Dead Redemption 2′s Ultimate and Special editions each have nearly £10 off.

Check out the full list of deals right here.

If you prefer physical copies of games to their digital counterparts, you might be in for even more bargains.

Marvel’s Spider-Man is selling for £28.99 – putting it considerably cheaper than the PlayStation Store’s digital download.

Credit: Santa Monica Studio

Of course, with a few more days to go, we can probably expect even more discount announcements before Black Friday actually hits.

What’s on your wish list?