Leaked Battlefield 2042 Artwork Shows Promising Unreleased Map

Leaked artwork has revealed an as of yet unreleased map for Battlefield 2042, which is due to be released as part of the first season later this year.

The map is a research facility built inside the Canadian Mountains that’s entitled ‘Exposure’. According to a recent interview with EA, they’re trying something brand new with the map and want to ‘take map design to a whole new level.’


Battlefield 2042 was poorly received at launch, both commercially and critically. Players were unhappy with how the game released, with it being extremely buggy, unbalanced and altogether unfun. It’s unlikely that the release of a new map would fix that, but hopefully once the map is released they’re able to put more time into fixing the game as it is.

Both Battlefield 2042 and Call of Duty: Vanguard sold extremely poorly last year as compared to previous iterations, with Call Of Duty even taking a break next year as a result.

Credit: DICE/EA

There were seven maps at launch for Battlefield 2042, with the promise of more to come in the games lifespan. The introduction of 128 player maps meant that it wasn’t possible to design more maps for launch, but that more could come once the game was actually out in the world.

What do you think? Are you hopeful that we’ll get a new map for Battlefield 2042 soon, or would you rather they focused on fixing what’s already there?

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