It seems like common knowledge of Twitch’s hot tub meta is spreading as a couple of IRL kids tell streamer Jinny that she should buy a pool to stream in.
The Twitch hot tub meta has been raging for the last few months with several streamers dipping their toes while talking to their chat. It’s been the cause of several conversations around whether the practice should be allowed on Twitch.

Twitch’s stance appears to be that streaming from a hot tub doesn’t violate its terms of service. The streaming site even created a dedicated category for the niche, saying that being perceived as “sexy” isn’t against its rules.
Not everyone agreed, however. Some advertisers pulled their support from certain hot tub streamers without warning. Other content creators condemned the practice, calling it ‘trash’ and ‘obviously sexualised’.
It seems that the idea of hot tub streaming has escaped the usual online bubble as personality Jinny found out on a recent IRL stream. While walking around outside, she comes across a young child who starts asking questions about her job.

“You should buy a pool!”
The kid asks Jinny if she’s rich, which she finds humorous. “I mean, I have enough money to travel,” she replies modestly.
Moving swiftly on, the kid then suggests: “You should buy a pool! Pools are really fun, you can swim. And you can stream while you’re in the pool.”
Jinny doesn’t seem to take any offense at the suggestion. The kids are clearly extremely young and likely don’t know much about what they’re talking about. It’s possible that they have no idea what the hot tub meta is all about.
Alternatively, it could be that these kids have seen some of the hot tub streams on Twitch and are under the impression that that’s how all streamers should appear. It’s a point that QTCinderella brought up when the hot tub meta was just beginning.
At the time, she said: “I’m like “yes, Queen. Do the hot tub stream,” but please don’t do it on Twitch, because it makes my life miserable. Because then I have people coming from your chat where they see your hot t**s covered in bubbles to my chat asking to see mine. But we don’t do that here. It’s so frustrating.”

Other streamers are beginning to move away from the hot tub streams and have begun performing questionable ASMR for their audiences. Amouranth and Indiefoxx were both banned last month for taking part in the practice. While Amouranth has since been unbanned, Indiefoxx has had her Twitch partnership revoked after receiving her sixth ban.
Do you think these IRL kids were innocent when they asked Jinny to join the hot tub meta? Let us know across our social channels.
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Featured Image Credit: Jinnytty/Dimitris Kiriakakis via Usplash