Call of Duty has been the center of attention this week in the video game industry. We saw the official game reveal trailer earlier this week, along with the announcement of a highly-anticipated remastered version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and a zombie mode confirmation for Infinite Warfare.
However, despite all of the attention it is receiving, it’s not all positive. They say there’s no such thing as bad press, right?
You can find the official Infinite Warfare reveal trailer on YouTube, but that’s not the only thing you will find. It’s a rare thing when a video with such a huge audience receives more video dislikes than likes, and the newest Call of Duty trailer has defied those odds.

With 5 and a half million views to date, 155k viewers have disliked the trailer so far. What’s even more depressing is that this number is higher than the amount of likes the trailer has. This is not a record breaking precedent that anyone wants to achieve.
I decided to look up the reveal trailers of two of the most unpopular Call of Duty games, Ghosts and Advanced Warfare. The dislikes of the two videos combined doesn’t even come close to how many times people have clicked the thumbs down button for Infinite Warfare, and these games have been out for quite some time now.

It is hard to tell what sales will be like with the latest Call of Duty installment. There will always be those die hard fans that buy every Call of Duty game annually (myself included), but will that be enough this year? With such negative feedback from the community in regards to the futuristic combat and lack of actual gameplay featured in the reveal trailer, it’s a coin toss.

There is still time for Activision to give us more regarding the game since there are still six months before the game is released to the public. It’s a good thing that the franchise tends to break sales records year after year, because they might need to rely on the loyal community more than ever.
The remastered Modern Warfare might be Call of Duty’s saving grace this year, and I’m certain a reveal trailer for the game (that includes more details than what has already been shown) will have much more positive feedback.