Indie developer Digital Homicide, who released The Slaughtering Grounds on Steam a couple of years ago, has taken their feud with Jim Sterling to another level by suing him.
James Romine, co-founder of Digital Homicide has filed a lawsuit exceeding $10 million in Arizona District court against Sterling for libel and slander.
The lawsuit seeks $2.26 million in direct product damage; $4.3 million in emotional, reputational and financial distress; and $5 million in punitive damage request.
The indie gaming company haven’t hired an attorney and will be representing themselves in this lawsuit.
The complaint from Romine states, “The Defendant (Jim Sterling) falsely accused The Plaintiff (Romine) and caused damage to reputation, damage to product, loss of product, and causing severe emotional distress to The Plaintiff, The Plaintiff has right to receive restitution for these damages.”