The general public is weighing in on EA’s decision to fire a high-up boss on the grounds of sexual harassment.
Jean Philippe Grenet had taken a €160,000-a-year job working for the gaming giant, but held the position for only six months following a dismissal for sexual harassment.

The sexual harassment allegations reportedly come from Grenet telling a colleague that a company discussion shouldn’t become a matter of “who has the bigger d*ck.”
Earlier this month, Grenet’s lawyers told the High Court the remark was “clumsy” but not sexual.
The issue of sexual harassment has barely been out of the headlines since the popular #MeToo movement of 2017 encouraged people to step forward about their experiences of abuse and harassment.

In the case of Grenet however, people are taking sides with the former EA boss, branding the female colleague as “fragile.”
EA just fired one of its executives for remarking to a female employee that he didn’t want to get into a dick measuring contest. The woman took it as sexual harassment and got him fired. Fragile.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) December 20, 2018
EA you guys are fucktards if you think for a moment that Jean Grenet’s comment of ,”Who has a bigger dick” was a sexual reference. #eagames #gaming
— Serum7six (@serum7six) December 22, 2018
Siding with the EA Jean Philippe Grenet, an anatomy analogy is not sexual harassment especially if he proves she is using to to undermine him to get his job.
— Zepblackstar (@zepblackstar) December 20, 2018
The “who has a bigger d*ck” phrase is commonly used in place of the word “ego,” with lots of people accusing the woman of using the #MeToo movement and its consequences in the workplace against Grenet.

In court, Grenet also argued that the woman in question was looking to take his job, having had applied for the role in the past [via News].
EA Head Fired For Gross Misconduct via @YouTube
He got fired for “sexual harassment” because he said the word “dick.” LITERALLY
— Mega-Chad Muscle-beast Wannabe (@Demskaag) December 20, 2018
Jean Philippe Grenet is currently appealing the case – and his dismissal from EA – with the High Court.