According to the director of the upcoming PS3 exclusive Beyond: Two Souls David Cage, the game cost about €20 million or $27 million to produce. Speaking with Le Figaro, he revealed that the game was entirely funded by Sony.
Considering how much technical polish has gone into the game from what has been shown and the expense of rendering so much non system content it is rather impressive how little the budget ended up being. Heavy Rain itself made over €100 million or $134 million for Sony and was described by Quantic Dream president Guillaume de Fondaumiere as “very profitable.” So even if their new game only sells half as well, it will still be a financial success.
In fact Beyond: Two Souls’ price tag looks downright reasonable. In contrast the recently released hit GTA 5 cost a total of $170 million for development and marketing. Of course it is the most expensive video game to date, but it is an example of the trend video games have taken with budgets and the sales needed to justify them. With games like Tomb Raider selling 3.4 million copies in a month and still was considered a failure or Resident Evil 6’s 4.9 million and wasn’t enough to reach Capcom’s revised expectations let alone the original ones. The fact they have name Hollywood stars Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe starring with Han Zimmer composing and managed their money well is something to be applauded.
Beyond: Two Souls launches in North America on October 8th and October 11th in Europe.