Sony announced a dozen indie games coming to PS4 and other PlayStation platforms during an indie game event at their San Mateo offices.
The theme of the event was the migration of famous indie games from Steam to PlayStation platforms, mainly PS4. The current list is as follows:
Apotheon (PS4)

Axiom Verge (PS4/PS Vita)

Chasm (PS4)

Don’t Starve: Reign of Giants (PS4)

Drifter (PS4/PS Vita)

Escape Goat 2 (PS4)

Ironclad Tactics (PS4)

Jamestown+ (PS4)

Nidhogg (PS4)

Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-A-Fide Edition (PS4)

Spelunky (PS4)

Starwhal: Just the Tip (PS4/PS3)