Videogames can create a great deal of frustration when it comes to the player dying over and over again. The challenge of an insane difficulty level is probably what keeps us going as gamers. That’s why today we are going to be listing the Top 10 Hardest Video Games of All Time.
Most of these games have been played by you but only a handful of dedicated gamers among you have actually gone on to finish the games or reached 100% completion on them.
While some of the games might be OK to complete at the easiest difficulty, once you play on normal or above, it really becomes a challenge.
This list really takes a look back and even includes some arcade titles.
The first item on the list is probably one of the games that can be considered the father of cash grabs, because it was originally released back in 1987 for the coin-operated arcade machines. Konami wanted you to die a lot and lose all your lives, because it sent you digging in your pocket for yet another coin that will let you continue your game.
The game design was actually pretty good, as it is still considered a classic nowadays, but the difficult platforming and the extreme amount of bullets flying your way could become overwhelming for even the best of players.