The Last of Us Remastered is coming out for the PlayStation 4 later this month. If you picked up the PlayStation 3 version of the game, you might have thought there would be some sort of upgrade plan in action to get a PS4 version at a discounted price. Looks like that’s not going happen according to Sony.
Sony released statements on both the European and North American blogs. Both stated that the PlayStation 4 version of The Last of Us Remastered will not have any type of upgrade plan. You will instead be forced to pay the full $50 when purchasing the game.
However, all the DLC you purchased for the PlayStation 3 version of The Last of Us will be available for download on the PlayStation 4 with no extra charge. The only changes made for The Last of Us Remastered is that the game will run at 1080p in 60fps while the L2 and R2 triggers will allow gamers to aim and shoot.