Ubisoft is looking to right the wrongs it has done to For Honor’s fanbase, but will these major changes be enough to keep players from boycotting the game completely?

A large group of For Honor fans took it into their own hands to get the game they love fixed. They felt the currency system in the game was incredibly unfair- the amount of time (or actual money) it took to accrue any sort of in game wealth was ridiculous. In fact, it took so long that a lot of players either gave up or gave in to the pay-to-win micro-transactions available in the game. Because of the unfairness of the system, players planned a boycott of For Honor for this April.

In response to the proposed boycott, Ubisoft has finally announced the changes that they will be making to the game. The in-game currency, Steel, will now be easier to acquire. Steel income from matches will be increased by 25%, Steel income from Daily Orders will be increased by 33%, and Side Orders will be increased by a massive 50%. In addition, Community Orders have been boosted from 500-1000 Steel to 2000. This change should increase player income by a significant amount, and it will hopefully be enough to stop the boycott.
In addition to the changes to the currency system, Ubisoft also plans to work on balancing the game. One of the biggest complaints from the community thus far (currency system notwithstanding) has been the lack of balanced gameplay. Some characters and items are too strong and some are too weak. Also, the rage mechanic is absolutely broken. If For Honor wants to stay relevant, these balance issues need to be resolved quickly and well.