Square Enix has announced that the Tomb Raider reboot released earlier this year have sold 4 million copies worldwide since its launch. Their tone seems to have changed a little from earlier this year given the company’s stated disappointment on the game selling 3.4 million copies in under a month.
Square Enix’s North American and European studio boss Darrell Gallagher wrote a blog post on Gamasutra. There he also revealed that Sleeping Dogs, released in August of last year has managed to be profitable. Originally it too was released to what were underwhelming sales for the company and pretty great numbers to everyone else.
What is big for Sleeping Dogs is that it managed to maintain a user base of 500,000 players a month. The three-year old Just Cause 2 seems to be pulling in similar numbers. From here Gallagher says they want build their games “beyond a traditional beginning, middle and end.” They are going to make their games more persistent to keep players coming back for years instead of weeks, but he also notes he isn’t talking about MMOs, just persistent online experiences.
Tomb Raider’s sequel is currently “well into development” for next-generation consoles.