Robert Downey Jnr Responds To NASA’s Advice To Marvel

Last week the world was treated to the first trailer for the fourth Avengers movie – Avengers: Endgame.

Marvel fans across the world went into a frenzy, and if you haven’t yet seen it, check out the trailer below.

YouTube video

Over on Twitter, Marvel fans flooded NASA’s official page with requests, asking the space administration to offer their services to help the one and only Tony Stark.

After the overwhelming number of tweets to NASA, they actually responded, offering Marvel some helpful advice to help Stark out of his predicament, saying: “Hey @Marvel, we heard about Tony Stark. As we know, the first thing you should do is listen in mission control for ‘@Avengers, we have a problem.’ But if he can’t communicate, then we recommend ground teams use all resources to scan the skies for your missing man.”

Credit: Marvel

Fans absolutely loved the banter, and it gets even better, as Iron Man himself has jumped in on the action, responding to NASA.

Credit: Marvel

He tweeted simply: “Always good to know @NASA has your back.”

NASA then shot back with the classic: “Failure is not an option.”

Credit: Marvel

Well done, boys.

Avengers: Endgame will release 2019.