Adam Boyes Wanted A Developer Friendly PS4

Adam Boyes, Sony developer relations executive, wanted the PlayStation 4 to be the most developer friendly platform.

In a recent interview with CVG, Boyes said,

“I would like [PlayStation] to be the easiest, most accessible place for anyone that’s making great games to come out, and have their games come to the broadest amount of people.” He also thanked that PS4 is similar to the PC which makes porting games much easier.

Boyes continued,

“TowerFall alone took about eight weeks to port over. Octodad took eight or 10 weeks for them to bring over. So it’s just making it easier for developers.”

“For PlayStation it means a rich, diverse breadth of content. From the very top, big Call of Duty and Destiny and Battlefield and Maddens of the world, all the way to Starwhal: Just the Tip or Nidhogg.”

Boyes clearly mentioned in the interview that Sony is committed to Indie developers which is also the key to the company’s success.

Earlier in this week Sony announced about the arrival of over 100 indie games to the PS4 and PS Vita platforms.