PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale received massive leaked! This Leaked contain information from the game’s beta, reveals most (if not all) game modes, items and minions.Check them out below.
- Athena (God of War)
- Captain Qwark (Ratchet & Clank)
- Worker (Fat Princess)
- Dollface (Twisted Metal)
- Helghast Soldier (Killzone)
- Kai (Heavenly Sword)
- Kat (DmC Devil May Cry)
- Keira (Jak & Daxter)
- Kiya (MediEvil)
- Kuma (Tekken)
- Little Sister (BioShock)
- Monkey (Ape Escape)
- Murray (Sly Cooper)
- Nix (inFamous 2)
- Pierre (Doko Demo Issho)
- PJ Berri (Parappa the Rapper)
- Sackbot (LittleBigPlanet 2)
- Sam (Metal Gear Rising)
- Sully (Uncharted)
- Zeke (inFamous 2)
- Atomizer (Resistance 3)
- Baumusu Axe (The Mark of Kri)
- Boots of Hermes (God of War III)
- Freeze Missile (Twisted Metal)
- Golf Club (Hot Shots Golf)
- Gravity Shield (Wipeout)
- Hedgehog Grenade (Resistance)
- Dohvat Laser Designator (Killzone 3)
- Leech Beem (Wipeout)
- Murder of Crows (Bioshock Infinite)
- Railgun (Metal Gear Solid 4)
- Razor Claws (Ratchet and Clank)
- RPG (Uncharted)
- Scythe (Fat Princess)
- Spear (God of War)
- Sonic Rift (ModNation Racers)
- Sackbot (Little Big Planet)
Game modes/other
- Arcade mode
- Solo Play
- LAN game
- Free Roam! (????)
- Challenge Trials..This Trials set involves fun trials with unique gameplay
- Training options
- Gold Stars Collected
- Countdown Attack
- Character Trials…This Trials set involves mastering one character at a time
- King of the Hill
- Capture the Flag
- General Trials The Trials set involves finding success with the fundametals of the game
- Elimination Round 3
- (Insane AI), (Hard AI), (Normal AI), (Easy AI)
- Customize Characters
- Clue Bottles
- Killer Bees
- Accessorize
- Kills are worth +2 Score and Deaths are worth -1 (this is mainly for info)
- Berzerker
- Great Mighty Scythe
- Grabinator
- You gotta do what? I gotta receive!
- Disband Party
- Quick Match Game: Select Your Options
- Season Leaderboard
- Max Supers Kills
- Recent Players