‘Our Story Is Political’, Says Far Cry 6 Narrative Director

In a surprising U-turn from Ubisoft, the Far Cry 6 narrative director has explicitly stated that the story will be political.

Far Cry 6 gameplay was finally unveiled to the world just before the weekend. Our own Lara Jackson was able to preview the game, which she says is ruthless, relentless, and ridiculous.

Credit: Ubisoft

We know that the story of Far Cry 6 is set on the fictional Caribbean island of Yara. It’s ruled over by Antón Castillo, played by Giancarlo Esposito. Castillo is a ruthless, fascist dictator set on empowering his country to operate independently. The story will revolve around the player taking part in a freedom fighter revolution looking to overthrow the dictatorship.

Far Cry 6 narrative director Navid Khavari acknowledges that the story of Far Cry 6 deals with political themes.

“Our story is political,” Khavari begins bluntly. “A story about a modern revolution must be. There are hard, relevant discussions in Far Cry 6 about the conditions that lead to the rise of fascism in a nation, the costs of imperialism, forced labour, the need for free-and-fair elections, LGBTQ+ rights, and more within the context of Yara, a fictional island in the Caribbean.

Credit: Ubisoft

Despite the setting sharing similarities with the political state of Cuba, Khavari insists that Far Cry 6 does not comment explicitly: “

“if anyone is seeking a simplified, binary political statement specifically on the current political climate in Cuba, they won’t find it. I am from a family that has endured the consequences of revolutionI can only speak for myself, but it is a complex subject that should never be boiled down to one quote.”

Credit: Ubisoft

Ubisoft has avoided political discussions in the past

Ubisoft acknowledging that its games deal with politics is a surprising u-turn from its stance in the past. In particular, the publisher told Polygon that The Division 2 “definitely [wasn’t] making any political statements” [via The Verge]. That’s the game about the US Government fighting to regain control of the US capital in a global pandemic. Sure hit’s different in 2021, huh?

It’s refreshing to see a publisher acknowledge that its game deals with nuanced subjects rather than tip-toe around the conversation. Khavari contextualises Far Cry 6 by saying: “What players will find is a story that’s point-of-view attempts to capture the political complexity of a modern, present-day revolution within a fictional context.

“My only hope is that we are willing to let the story speak for itself first before forming hard opinions on its political reflections.”

Credit: Ubisoft

Ubisoft is not the only game developer to realise that, often, narrative subjects are inseparable from politics. The developers of Six Days In Fallujah recently issued a statement about the politics that its game touches upon.

Far Cry 6 will release later this year on October 7th. 

[Featured Image Credit: Ubisoft]

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