If you thought you’d explored all there is to explore in Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2, then you’re probably mistaken.

The title prides itself on its expansive world and the almost-limitless exploration available thanks to its giant map, but you can go even further than the developers intended thanks to a glitch that’s been discovered.
A YouTube channel by the name of ZacCoxTV discovered a way you can actually get yourself to Mexico thanks to an outside-of-the-map glitch.

Posting a video of the successful attempt to get to Mexico, ZacCoxTV fans have gotten to speculating that there might be a reason why the glitch is possible…

I dont even know what to say, after hours of attempts I finally made it into Mexico in Red Dead Redemption 2, theres almost nothing there but there are many landmarks like the big arch, El Presidio and even the big rock formation where you do one of the treasure hunts!
— Classic VHS Horror (VanLirious) (@RealVanlirious) November 4, 2018
Mexico isn’t the only ‘secret map’ that’s been discovered in the game, as you can also find yourself in Guarma if you play your cards right. Again, you can watch ZacCoxTV’s video to find out how.

What do you think about these ‘secret maps’? Is Mexico going to be DLC for the future of Red Dead Redemption 2, or is this something else entirely?