GameStop Black Friday ads Leaked Early

It’s not even Halloween and we already have the GameStop Black Friday sale ads for which happens at the end of November. We don’t know how BFads got its hands on them, but at their site you can flip through digital scans of all the offerings.

Included are specials for the PlayStation 4 and various games for it. In additional is an advertised offer for $50 off a PlayStation 3 and several hit games for the PS3 to sell for less than $10 including Final Fantasy XIII and God of War 3 for $4.99 and every game in the Assassin’s Creed franchise up to Revelations for $6.99.

There is no doubt that this is not the final version because both Watch Dogs and DriveClub are being advertised and we know now that both are delayed until 2014. Most likely its a preliminary ad for internal use as they finalize their deals.