Earlier there were rumors that the PlayStation 4 launch title DriveClub would be delayed, now we have confirmation from Sony on the PlayStation Blog written by President of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida. The Evolution Studios racer has been delayed until Spring 2014 as the team “requires more time in order to deliver on their vision.”
Yoshida also says that DriveClub will remain part of the PlaySation Plus offer, but when it is released. For the PlayStation 4 launch itself that the indie game from Compulsion Games, Contrast will be available to PlaySation Plus members for free alongside Resogun.
While it is great that Sony is offering a compelling title to players to fill the hole for PlayStation Plus members, the lineup is has a pretty big hole in it. The PlayStation 4had all the momentum before this week, now with Watch Dogs and DrvieClub out of the picture until 2014 they are losing reasons for people to become early adopters.