Assassin’s Creed IV – Double XP multiplayer event this weekend

Good news for all PlayStation fans of Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag! A multiplayer double XP event is in progress since yesterday for all assassins to participate. The event will give double experience points than you normally get.

There is also a special event named “Uncertain Alliances”, where players have to work as a team to hunt down other teams who try to escape or vice versa. During the course of event, additional objectives will be given which can unlock exclusive content.

The list is given below :

Objectives and rewards:

Individual Goal:

Earn a Focus Bonus (15 times)

Individual Reward:

1 Patron Picture for each playable character

Participation Goal:

Complete a session in the event playlist

Participation Reward:

Achieve the title “The Opportunist”

Community Reward:

Unlock exclusive Assassin costumes by reaching the community objective. Find out what the community objectives are by logging in to Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag.

Both PS4 and PS3 players can participate in these events which have started from 1am PT on 1/17 and will finish around 11:59pm PT on 1/19.