5 PS4 games We Want Sony to Announce

We all know Sony have the best first party exclusives, no doubt. When it comes down to choosing which side have the best developers,well I think we all know the answer.

The PS3 had a great run with so many phenomenal titles, such as The Last of Us, Uncharted (series), God of War (series) Grand Turismo, Resistance and many more.  Whether we want to admit it or not, with the PS4 making its arrival felt in our living rooms, all those great exclusives will play a major role on on how this gen shapes up for PlayStation.

The top 5 games we want Sony to announce are listed below. Feel free to go through them.

God Of War

God of War PS4

God of War is one titles I want Sony to announce already. It has been an iconic exclusive title for the PlayStation brand.  It’s clearly one of  the best games you can find on the PS3. I’m sure Sony wouldn’t want to leave out  one of its most successful series in this new gen. Sony Santa Monica previously confirmed they are ready to take their journey to the PS4. We probably won’t see any announcement until next year but it sure is on the cards.

 Gran Turismo PS4

Gran Turismo PS4

Gran Turismo 6 just came out for PS3, and a sequel for PS4 is already in the works. According to Polyphony Digital CEO Kazunori Yamauchi ,GT sequel could land on PlayStation 4 sometime next year. Yamauchi previously stated Gran Turismo 7 would be ready for PS4 in about a “year or two” and will feature a significant community component.  So we can expect an early announcement next year.

Resistance 4

Resistance 4 PS4

Resistance 3 was  the third and final installment in the Resistance series. We all wonder what happens next? According to Ted Price, Resistance 3 is  last game to be made by Insomniac Games.  Meaning if there’s still hope, we probably won’t see the next installment developed by Insomniac Games.

Resistance trilogy has been an outstanding series for the PS3. The trilogy received various positive review scores. One thing that we know for sure,  Sony listen to their fans. It won’t be surprise if we see another trilogy made from the ground for the PS4, considering the success the previous one received, both commercially and critically.

The Last of Us 2

The Last of US Sequel PS4

I know it is to soon to talk about this, but believe it or not this is just the beginning. The Last of Us has been one of Sony’s phenomenal titles to debut in 2013.  Receiving solid 10 out 10s everywhere.  We know Sony is not going to let  this successful IP sink downhill.

The least I can say is that The Last of Us will find its way to the PS4 and it is one of Sony’s future triumph cards. With Uncharted 4  just announced  for PS4, we probably won’t see a sequel announcement  any time soon but  we know it’s coming and somewhere in its offices, a concurrent team is already hard at making plans for it, or beyond.

New PS4 Exclusive IP

New IP PS4

There are  numerous titles for PS4 that’s in development but we won’t find out until early next year. One thing  we know for sure there is this one mysterious IP  Sony talked about recently. Could this be a New IP? For now let’s not get our-self drive into this because we all love surprises but definitely we want Sony to bring in new and fresh experiences for the system which could be tailored from the ground up to bask in the glory the next-gen tech has bought with it.

Are you looking forward to anything else that Sony should announce? Make yourselves heard below.