People are starting to become more and more familiar with the various types of Pokemon in existence, and some people may even remember seeing real life creatures that are spitting images of some of the pocket monsters.
We’ve compiled a list of Pokemon and their real life equivalents for your viewing pleasure. It’s quite interesting to see where some inspirations behind the iconic characters actually come from.
Beedrill = Asian Giant Hornet
Pidgey = Cedar Waxwing
Victreebel = Pitcher Plant
Seaking = Calico Ryukin Goldfish
Kakuna = Bee Pupa
Caterpie = Eastern Swallowtail Caterpillar
Magikarp – Yelloweye Rockfish
Poliwag = Translucent Tadpole
Vileplum = Rafflesia Arnoldii
Charmander = Giant Chinese Salamander
Omanyte = Ammonite
Metapod = Pieris Rapae Pupa
Pikachu – Pika