There are different download links for different regions, make sure you choose the correct one:
- United States Download Link for 4.45
- Europe Download Link for 4.45
- Japan Download Link for 4.45
- Australia/New Zealand Download Link for 4.45
Update your PS3 using a PC
Items Required:
- PS3
- PS3 controller
- USB cable
- PC with internet
- Storage media (Memory Stick, SD Card, Compact Flash, or USB flash drive) with at least 130 MB free space available
Update Data Download Procedure
- Using the storage media, create a folder in the storage media/USB and name it “PS3”. In that “PS3” folder, create a folder and name it “UPDATE”
- Using the links provided above, download the data for your region and save it in the “UPDATE” folder from step 1.
Note: Make sure to save the update data like the examples below. If done incorrectly, the PS3 won’t recognize the update data.
- Location: Save in the “PS3” folder > “UPDATE” folder
- File name: Save as file name “PS3UPDAT.PUP”.
Update Procedure Notices
- During the update, be sure not to turn the PS3 off or remove the storage media/USB device. If that does happen, you run the risk of damaging your PS3 which will need fixing.
- The power button on the system and controller will not work during the update.
Download Update into PS3 Procedure
- Insert your storage media/USB that has the update data that was downloaded earlier.
- On your PS3 home menu select Settings, and in that should be System Update, and click the x button.
- Select Update via Storage Media and press the x button
- The system will then look for the update data that was saved on the storage media/USB.
- Start the update data by pressing the x button. Follow the instructions to finish the update.
- To see if the update was successful, go to Settings> System Settings> System Information. If the System Software field shows version number 4.45, the update was successful.
Note: After you are done successfully updating your PS3 System, you can delete the update data that was stored in your storage media/USB.