The 7 most broken videogames of all time that frustrated gamers

Most games have at least a few little bugs and glitches at launch, it’s something we’ve come to expect. Sometimes, it goes a lot deeper than that. Whether it’s online servers that can’t handle the hoards of players on launch day, or game-breaking bugs that make it unplayable, there are certain things that can tank … Read more

10 Worst Video Game Glitches of All Time

Even the most careful of game coders are going to inadvertently include some glitches every now and then, usually it has a lot to do with budget constrains and racing to get the latest titles out. Sometimes, there’s just no explanation at all. We’ve rounded up ten of the weirdest, worst, and downright creepiest game … Read more

Fallout 4 – 6 Exploits You Must Try Before They Are Fixed

Fallout 4 has had a lot of glitches since its release. The glitches are being exploited to an extent by the players already. However, it won’t be long before Bethesda releases an official patch for the game which’ll take care of it most. There’s still time left for you to make good of them though … Read more