PS Vita Exclusive Bodycheck Revealed

There are several sports related video games out on the market today. No matter what sport you’re into, football, hockey, rugby, tennis, the point I’m getting at is that there is undoubtedly a video game related title available. However, if you don’t necessarily care for the traditional sports then you may find Bodycheck a nice … Read more

EA is not picking sides in Console War

When analyzing the major gaming events from this year’s Gamescom and E3, it is clear that EA has announced an interesting amount of Exclusive titles just for the Xbox One. Many have came to the conclusion that EA is leaning more toward’s Microsoft, and pushing away from Sony. EA Labels President Frank Gibeau has made … Read more

Killzone: Shadow Fall ‘Multiplayer Team Deathmatch’ Gameplay

Developed by Guerrilla Games, Killzone: Shadow Fall is the sixth game in it’s ongoing series. It is a first person shooter that takes place thirty years after the events of Killzone 3, a heated battle befalls between the Helghast and Vektan for their right to live and survive. Killzone: Shadow Fall is a PS4 Exclusive, … Read more

New Image of DriveClub Boxart

DriveClub is Sony’s next-gen socially connected racing game that will be available for the PS4 in a couple months. Players will be able to team up with friends and even create rivalries to compete with others all across the world. Remember, those that will have PlayStation Plus on their PS4 account, will receive a special … Read more

Sony Proves they are Serious about Next-Gen Gaming

CEO of Level-5 Akihiro Hino has mentioned that Sony has proved to the world how important the gaming industry  is, by popping out a next gen console with the price tag of $399. There’s been a buzz that the Level-5 company is currently working on an Exclusive title for  PS4 , so we can connect … Read more

NBA Live 14 Will Be Exclusive to Next-Gen Consoles

Executive Producer of NBA Live 14, Sean O’Brien talks about how the upcoming game will only be available to the Xbox One and PS4, which means the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions will not be attainable. He says, “The vision is a simple one: To create a great basketball game exclusively for the Xbox One … Read more