LucasArts debuted the new Star Wars: 1313, a third-person action adventure game starring a bounty hunter stalking targets on the capital of the Republic, Coruscant.A teaser image reveals what looks like an original trilogy-era shuttle.
Star Wars 1313 says the game is a third-person cinematic action game.”Level 1313, a ruthless criminal underground deep below the surface of the planet of Coruscant,” and the player will control “a deadly bounty hunter as he uses an arsenal of exotic weaponry to hunt down his marks and uncover the truth surrounding a criminal conspiracy.” Lucas Arts says the game will emphasize Star Wars‘ “dark and mature” elements, and show off “a part of the Star Wars mythos that we’ve always known existed, but never had a chance to visit.”
For more on Star Wars: 1313 check back next week on our E3 coverage