A Pokemon Go Generation 2 Egg Chart has been created by Reddit userĀ Vivpix. He calculated the chart by using the same method used by Niantic in order to create the Generation 1 Eggs.
It is to be noted that the mechanism for hatching eggs is almost similar in Pokemon Go and the original Pokemon Gameboy games. The only difference between them is that the original Pokemon games used steps to measure the distance rather thanĀ kilometers.

However, Niantic took the following calculations in mind while creating the Generation 1 Eggs:
- 5000 steps = 2 KM egg
- 5000-5999 steps = 5 KM egg
- 6000+ steps = 10 KM egg

It is now almost certain that Niantic will follow the same pattern while creating the Generation 2 eggs too. Here’s the simplistic version of the Generation 2 Egg chart prepared by Vivpix.
2 KM Eggs
#152 | Chikorita |
#155 | Cyndaquil |
#158 | Totodile |
#161 | Sentret |
#163 | Hoothoot |
#165 | Ledyba |
#167 | Spinarak |
#172 | Pichu |
#173 | Cleffa |
#174 | Igglybuff |
#175 | Togepi |
#183 | Marill |
5 KM Eggs
#170 | Chinchou |
#177 | Natu |
#179 | Mareep |
#185 | Sudowoodo |
#187 | Hoppip |
#190 | Aipom |
#191 | Sunkern |
#193 | Yanma |
#194 | Wooper |
#198 | Murkrow |
#202 | Wobbuffet |
#203 | Girafarig |
#204 | Pineco |
#206 | Dunsparce |
#207 | Gligar |
#209 | Snubbull |
#211 | Qwilfish |
#213 | Shuckle |
#215 | Sneasel |
#216 | Teddiursa |
#218 | Slugma |
#220 | Swinub |
#222 | Corsola |
#223 | Octillery |
#228 | Houndour |
#231 | Phanpy |
#234 | Stantler |
#235 | Smeargle |
#241 | Miltank |
10 KM Eggs
#200 | Misdreavus |
#214 | Heracross |
#226 | Mantine |
#227 | Skarmory |
#236 | Tyrogue |
#238 | Smoochum |
#239 | Elekid |
#240 | Magby |
#246 | Larvitar |
Generation 2 Pokemon are rumored to arrive early next year for Pokemon Go, and hopefully that can give the game a much needed shot in the arm, since its popularity seems to be dwindling in recent days.