Perks Will Be Given To PS4 GTA 5 Players

Within Sony’s press conference at this year’s E3, it was revealed that the record breaking and highly popular video game title, Grand Theft Auto 5 will be heading to the current generation consoles. Though it turns out that PlayStation 4 gamers will receive a special little something with their copy of Grand Theft Auto 5.

The news comes from Kotaku when they talked with PlayStation’s North America’s marketing vice president John Koller. Kotaku asked if there would be any changes or incentives for gamers to pick up Grand Theft Auto 5 for the PlayStation 4 in which John Koller responded with the following.

“I don’t think we announced anything publicly on that, but there will be… GTA V is going to be, I think, a title we’ll talk about more in the weeks and months to come, but GTA V and the GTA franchise is something that will be something very special on PlayStation.”

So nothing is currently announced as of yet but it’s nice knowing that there will be something a bit different for the PlayStation 4. What do you think this special little something is? Leave your comments below and also let us know if you’re picking up GTA 5 when it launches on the PS4.