When one of your top employee’s is getting chummy with the competition, that’s not a good sign. Nintendo’s Masahiro Sakurai recently spoke about the Sony PlayStation 4 and unsurprisingly, he’s enjoying the system and its power. Could this mean Masahiro will be jumping ship from the Nintendo Wii U for the Sony PlayStation 4?
Nintendo is in some serious heat, their latest console isn’t meeting their standards and now developers are starting to warm up to other console in the market. We’re speaking of Masahiro Sakurai who happens to be a developer who brought out several video game titles exclusively to the Nintendo consoles. You’ve may have played some of his games which includes the Super Smash Bros. series or even the Kirby lineup. Recently, Masahiro talked with Famitsu which was translated by Kotaku.
During the interview, Masahiro had plenty of nice things to say about the PlayStation 4. Mostly because of his countless hours developing on the Wii U, seeing the power the PlayStation 4 could produce astonished him. From hardware to software, everything seemed very smooth and a performance that was not known to him on the Wii U. His only gripe was the lack of backwards capability which Sony is answering through their PlayStation Now service.
Does this mean Masahiro will be jumping ship? Don’t hold your breath as he seems to be interested in continuing his work on the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. Regardless, it’s going to be very tough going to a console that can’t produce the power that he knows the PlayStation 4 will easily produce for him.