Years have passed since the humble but bar setting beginnings of Naughty Dog’s first game Crash Bandicoot, and it’s needless to say that Naughty Dog created their first masterpiece. The Masterpiece. Crash Bandicoot didn’t make an appearance at this years E3 but a something else did; and well it has everyone at PlayStation pretty excited.
Undoubtedly fans of the Uncharted series will already know all about the new teaser trailer with it’s sheer stunning graphic display which was shown on a PS4 live, but players might not know some more facts that the head-honchos discussed after the initial trailer.
Everyone knows that a big promise of the next gen console was stunning graphics but boy did they outdo their selves on this one, NaughtyDog’s trailer promised fans that graphics have come a long long way and that they will use this and skip no corners. And boy have they stuck to their promise. Director Neil Druckmann focussed on ‘character subtlety’ and stated this was going to be a large influence on their work to make their characters more believable and realistic:
“It’s a subtle touch but as he raises his eyebrows the colour of his skin changes, as the blood flows away from the compression – and all of those things just let a realistic character become more grounded and believable.”
So, what do we have to expect gameplay wise? Druckmann and other head-honcho Bruce Straley stress was that they were going to focus on “Keeping things core.” I.E cross-checking the narrative and vision to make sure no contradictions occur, this is a welcome break from developers creating lazy and broken games and then releasing them; such as when Battlefield 4 was first released:
“Ultimately I think it will come down to how good is the gameplay, how good is the story; because without that, you can have all the graphical bells and whistles and it doesn’t matter – but, if you have that really strong foundation, those things can really help to take you over the top and get immersed in the journey,” finished Druckmann.
Uncharted 4 looks not to repeat it’s earlier games, but to well generally improve; not just the game itself but what all game developers should strive to achieve within their creations. Forget everything else at E3 this is the space to watch, NaughtyDog do have lapses between games, but the end result is definitely worth the wait. And just in case you think the trailer will be better than the actual game, well… The trailer was taken from an actual level, on an actual PS4. Excited, need to get a fresh pair of undies? Everyone at PlayStation does. Needless to say this looks to be the best and greatest, that’s not an understatement; that’s a fact.
Uncharted is scheduled for release in 2015, excited? Let us know what you think by commenting below, remember if you miss some of E3 PlayStation has everything covered both here and at