Mega Man Spiritual Successor Coming to PS3

The Mighty No. 9, Mega Man’s spiritual successor by the creator of said franchise, has gained enough pledges on its Kickstarter campaign to get console versions of the game. With two weeks still to go, it has reached the $2.2 million stretch goal. That means it will be coming to the PlayStation 3 and other consoles already on the market.

The next stretch goal is at $2.4 million for a Challenge Mode. Should the Kickstarter reach $3.3 million stretch goal Mighty No. 9 will be coming to the PlayStation 4 as well. Comcept also revealed a new boss robot No.3. She uses electrical attacks with lightning rods set around her level. Her design is based on the Japanese thunder god and modern day appliances.

Mighty No. 9 boss 3

Mighty No. 9 is expected to come out around April of 2015.