Sony has announced that it will port Flower, fl0w, Escape Plan and Sound Shapes to the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita with Cross-buy. Each of these games will be released on November 15th in North America and November 29th in Europe alongside the console launch in both of those territories. However, if you’ve already purchased those games on the PSN, they will be available immediately for no additional charge.
I like where this could lead. One of the big questions for the new console launch is ‘what happens to your all the games you bought and downloaded on the PlayStation 3?’
Would they transfer over, since it is essentially the same network, would we have to rebuy them or are they stuck on the PlayStation 3? From the looks of it, Sony could and is willing to bring these games to the next generation. Those upgrading get to keep their games and those new to PlayStation get access to some really great games.