EVERY Blizzard Title Is Apparently Getting A Mobile Game

Mobile games are an acceptable way to pass time on your daily commute, or keep you entertained when you’re queuing for groceries, but they’ve yet be accepted as a fully-fledged gaming experience.

Credit: Blizzard

When Blizzard announced earlier this year that its rumoured “new Diablo game” was actually a mobile title, fans were pretty p*ssed, with lots of people now choosing to dismiss the company for ignoring what the people wanted.

Unexpectedly, it seems Blizzard is planning for ALL of its most-famous IPs to get the mobile treatment, and although exciting, the announcement has failed to impress. Again.

At Blizzcon earlier this year, Blizzard executive producer Allen Adham stated: “We have many of our best developers now working on new mobile titles across all of our IPs.” [via GameSpot].

Credit: Blizzard

The fan reaction, however, is less than thrilled…

On Twitter, one gamer wrote: “Blizzard continues to struggle with messaging, p*ssing off fans by saying their best developers are working on mobile games for ALL Blizzard IP’s. Not what you want to say right after disappointing millions of fans with a tone deaf BlizzCon 2018 showcase.”

Another ex-fan of Blizzard tweeted: “@Blizzard_Ent after playing wow for a long time diablo 1-3 Starcraft 1-2 all the warcraft games overwatch and hearthstone sad to say I won’t be purchasing or playing any of them anymore the company’s shift of main talent into mobile ips shows you guys have lost your way sadly 😢”

It’s not the first time we’ve heard of a company attempting to worm its way into the mobile market with its most famous IPs.

YouTube video

Nintendo has previously announced it wants to create more accessible games by going mobile – but it then did so by creating mobile games of its popular IPs that are suitable for a mobile device. It didn’t try and port a whole AAA game to your iPhone…

Credit: Nintendo

What do you think about Blizzard games on mobile? A step in the right direction, or should they be sticking with their PC creations…?