Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono Hospitalized




Yoshinori Ono “heavily deteriorated” after the end of the Asian promotion tour of Street Fighter x Tekken.

“I would like to bring something else to everyone’s attention,” said Capcom’s blog. “Shortly after the Street Fighter x Tekken promotion in Asia, Ono-san’s physical condition rapidly and heavily deteriorated and he had to be taken to the hospital. Because of his hospital tenure he will not be performing work-related affairs for a while. Ono’s well-being is very important to us, and we wish for his steady recovery”.

We do not the condition of the Street Fighter producer right now, but Ono traveled across the globe earlier this month to promote Street Fighter x Tekken alongside his Tekken counterpart Katsuhiro Harada.


We all wish Ono a happy recovery!