A few days ago Activision revealed that the next Call of Duty will be in development by Sledgehammer Games. Not only that, Activision has also revealed that the next Call of Duty will be the “Best Ever Created.”
Today Activision revealed a brand new teaser image. The new image showcases Captain Price who shouldn’t be a stranger to COD fans. Captain Price has appeared in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2, Modern Warfare 3, Soap’s Journal, Call of Duty Online and Find Makarov: Operating Kingfish. Not only do we see Captain Price but the image features Stovehaven a map featured within the latest Call of Duty: Ghosts. The teaser claims that Captain Price is coming or perhaps Ghosts have some sort of connection with upcoming Call of Duty title. Though we can’t rule out the possibility of a Modern Warfare 4 heading down the pipeline.
We’re not entirely sure what this mean just yet as there’s a ton of different options as to why Activision is bringing up Captain Price. I mean, this could be a Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC. Before we get too cocky with this image, we want to know what you think of the image. Is it too early for another Call of Duty title or are you all for a brand new addition to the series featuring none other than Captain Price? For the latest news on Call of Duty along with any other video game goodness, be sure to tune in right here at PSG!