Over 9 Million PS4 Games Have Been Sold

Today is a great day for Sony. First, at CES today, the company revealed that the PlayStation 4 has sold 4.2 million units (Sales figures as of December 28th, 2013)  and introduce a new Streaming Service: PlayStation Now.

In addition to all of this, they announced that  9.7 million games for the PlayStation 4, digital and retail, have been sold to consumers. That include  the top selling games which is Call of Duty: Ghosts, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Battlefield 4, FIFA 14, and Killzone: Shadow Fall.

They also revealed the PlayStation Plus subscriptions have increased more than 90 percent since the launch of the PS4 as of December 31st, 2013 .

Furthermore, streaming numbers on the PS4 are over 1.7 million gameplay broadcasts on Twitch and Ustream, accounting to more than 55 million minutes.

These are some really commendable numbers and we hope the PlayStation 4 console continues to grow at the rate that it is right now.