$500 Million Spent on Destiny and Public Beta out in July

CEO Bobby Kotick said that Activision is spending half a billion dollars on Destiny to make it a hit, making it possibly the most expensive game made so far.

In an interview with Reuters, CEO Bobby Kotick has revealed that in in an attempt to make Destiny their next big hit after Call of Duty Series, they’re spending $500 million on it. They’re hoping that the game will “re-invigorate Activision’s revenue, which slid 6 percent in 2013”. According to analysts that this is likely a new record spent on a single game and that Activision would have to sell about 15 million to 16 million units of a $60 game.

Destiny will be out this September 9 for the PS3, Xbox 360, PS4 and Xbox One, while the public beta is out this July on PS3 and PS4 first.