It has become obvious that the PS4 is in the lead with developers locking on to its strategies, Sony has been keeping gamers engaged with all the cool specifications they’ve been announcing. Since one of PS4’s goals is to reel in PC gamers, will it be convincing enough for PC gamers to buy a PS4?
“I think Sony is really in to win this one. I’m good friends with a lot of guys at Microsoft, I’m under their NDA flag, and Microsoft definitely has a different outlook than Sony does. Sony, like they say ‘Yeah, PlayStation 3 wasn’t what we wanted it to be in comparison in the “arms” race.’
“So now they’re going hard, man. It’s pretty cool, on all points. I think that it will be really interesting to see what Xbox fires back with. It’ll be an awesome E3. Sony is just like, ‘GO! GO! GO! Let’s make this hardcore! Let’s get all these devs in and let’s make it as good as we can.’”
“They could have just been like, ‘Yeah, put it on the PlayStation 4. Cool.’, but they’re sending us kits, they’re sending us everything, they’re pulling us into PR groups, they’re setting up these events for us, and it’s just awesome.”
– Zombie Studios Studio Head Jared Gerritzen